Our home study courses offer you the flexibility to complete your assignments when it is convenient for you. You can work at your own pace and spend as much or as little time on an assignment as you need.
Our Classroom-based courses cover the same material as home study, either every other Saturday or one evening a week. It’s up to you. Whatever option you choose you’ll receive the guidance and support of our expert tutors.
home study Courses
Home Study courses at the Fashion Design Academy of Ireland allow you to learn at your own pace. As a Home Study student you will receive access to our Online Learning Centre with in-depth course materials including instructional videos, written content, and carefully crafted assignments. You will also have a dedicated tutor to support you on your learning journey.
Online self-directed study
live online Courses
Live Online courses at the Fashion Design Academy of Ireland provide all the flexibility of online learning with the collaborative benefits of the classroom. As a Live Online student you will join a small group of students for online classes taught by an industry professional. You will also have access to our Online Learning Centre with course materials including instructional videos, written content, and carefully crafted assignments.
Online self-directed study + virtual classes
classroom Courses
Classroom-based courses at the Fashion Design Academy of Ireland are the best option for those who prefer studying with others in a physical classroom environment. As a Classroom-based student you will join other aspiring Fashion Designers in Dublin, Cork or Galway for exciting part-time evening or Saturday classes taught by an industry professional. You will also have access to our Online Learning Centre.
Online self-directed study + in-person classes

The Fashion Design Academy of Ireland is accredited by the International Approval and Registration Centre (IARC).
The IARC plays a role in ensuring our quality standards relating to course content, delivery, assessment and administration are maintained. IARC's role as an independent recognition association gives reassurance the Academy has undergone checks relevant to the post-secondary education industry in general terms.

The Fashion Design Academy of Ireland, as part of the Further Learning Group, is a BTEC approved learning centre.
BTEC has been the most successful applied learning brand for over twenty-five years. BTEC is administered by Edexcel and owned by Pearson Education, the world's largest education company. BTEC courses are offered exclusively by approved learning centres which have been thoroughly vetted.
The course is up-to-date and shows videos as guides on doing the assignments. They also recommended a lot of books to read to help the student be up-to-date with the design trends.
Conor Eason
The assignments are well designed and very good learning tools. The course has the right blend of theoretical and practical knowledge. I am really enjoying it and after only completing a few assignments I feel I have learnt so much.
Tracey Granger
I am pleased with the diploma home study course. It is very convenient for me as I can fit it in around my schedule. Also the feedback for my assignments from my tutor is helpful and informative.
Shanon Wynne
I am really enjoying the course! It's very in-depth, covering from choosing fabrics to manipulating pattern blocks to creating a brand identity. I am confident that I will be well set up to work as a Fashion Designer.
Chalice Harrison